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Avoid Scams: Safe Online Surfing for Kids

We know parenting is a full-time job, and keeping your kids safe online in an increasingly digital world is a major task! Because U matter to Me (all of us) at UMe, we are sharing some good and vetted resources to help parents and educators stay on top of online safety.

Did U know that the FBI has a great Safe Online Surfing (SOS) program that helps teachers and parents educate their students on how to navigate the web safely? There’s even a different portion for each child’s level and it’s available in English or en Español! Each part contains age-appropriate lessons and games covering topics from cyberbullying to protecting personal information, recognizing trustworthy and untrustworthy sites to avoiding malware, and more.

Anyone can complete the activities on the FBI SOS website. There’s also official testing and competition, but it is only open to students in grades 3 to 8 whose teachers have registered their public, private, or home schools through the SOS website.


For more details, learn more on the FBI’s Safe Online Surfing site

More vetted resources for parents and educators from the FBI can be found here



Disclaimer: U matter to Me (all of us) at UMe — and that’s why we do our best to deliver helpful information on our blog. Please note the following: (1) UMe Credit Union works hard to make certain that the information we post here is as accurate as humanly possible. But as you know, information can change and evolve quickly. While we try to update the blog on a regular basis, the content of some older posts may not be correct or up-to-date. (2) Some destinations on the World Wide Web that we link you to will exist on external websites. UMe Credit Union does not officially endorse any connected sites, nor do/did we compensate or get compensated by any entities to be featured in our posts (unless otherwise noted). (3) Everyone’s situation is unique and we advise you to consult with our personal bankers or your finance, tax, or legal professional for advice individualized to you!