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Conquer the Holidays 24/7/365

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Like we always say, the early bird gets the holiday savings! And UMe is here to help U rise and shine up your holiday budget. Our FREE UMe Holiday Savings Account will build up festive funds for U throughout the year, so you’ll have plenty of money to be thankful for when holiday planning starts.

Unlike the fruitcake Aunt Linda gave you last year, a UMe Holiday Savings Account is the gift that really does keep on giving. Here’s why:

  • Your account receives deposits all year. When everyone starts talking turkey in November, all those smart savings will be automatically transferred to your UMe Checking or Savings account.
  • No monthly fee or minimum deposit to open, because we want U to save as much as possible for the holidays!

Believe it or not, your holiday planning can successfully start today with a UMe Holiday Savings Account! So let’s get started on making the 2024 holiday season your best one ever. (Don’t U just love gifts you can open early?!)

Disclaimer: U matter to Me (all of us) at UMe — and that’s why we do our best to deliver helpful information on our blog. Please note the following: (1) UMe Credit Union works hard to make certain that the information we post here is as accurate as humanly possible. But as you know, information can change and evolve quickly. While we try to update the blog on a regular basis, the content of some older posts may not be correct or up-to-date. (2) Some destinations on the World Wide Web that we link you to will exist on external websites. UMe Credit Union does not officially endorse any connected sites, nor do/did we compensate or get compensated by any entities to be featured in our posts (unless otherwise noted). (3) Everyone’s situation is unique and we advise you to consult with our personal bankers or your finance, tax, or legal professional for advice individualized to you!