Gift Yourself a Lower Auto Loan Rate
Unwrap Zero Car Loan Payments ‘Til 2022.
People of the great city of Burbank (and members living far beyond), this holiday season, UMe is giving you the gift of saving with an auto loan refinance! That’s right, if you look at your holiday spending list and think, “hey, I’m paying too much on my sweet ride every month,” then we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. At UMe, we’re all about helping you save wherever you can – and just to sweeten the pot, U can sail through the holidays without any loan payments until 2022.
Chances are when you first financed your vehicle, the rate you qualified for at the time wasn’t as low as you’d hoped. But look at you now, friend! Your credit score soared like a rocket sent into orbit by some unnamed billionaire tech founder. Now’s the time to apply for an auto loan refi – so U can get a better rate. And right in time to increase your gift budget. (Yay!)
Why refinance?
If you qualify for a lower rate than you currently have, refinancing your auto loan can lower the total amount that you pay for your car AND possibly lower your monthly payment, depending on the length of your loan term. This holiday season is a perfect time to refinance, since UMe offers no payments for 90 days* on new auto loan refinances.
Plus, if you’re monthly payment amount is getting hard to keep up with, then refinancing could save you additional cash every month as well. Remember, everyone’s financial situation is different, so keep that in mind when comparing rates.
Where do I start the refinancing process?
A good place to begin is by checking your credit score, especially if you haven’t done so since last Christmas. You’ll want to double-check to make sure it is higher than when you first financed, as it’ll greatly affect the loan’s interest amount. The fastest and easiest way to check your credit score is at They do a “soft” credit pull so your credit score is not affected. Oh, and it’s completely free. (Free is our favorite!)
After that, gather up your existing loan details (current interest rate, loan terms, monthly payment amount) and you’re ready to talk to a UMe Team Member. We love saving our members money — and with our low auto loan rates, we will do just that for U! Yep, you’re welcome.
Need some more auto refinance info? Just click on the link below to learn more or give us a call if you have any questions. We’re here for U!
click here to learn more
Give us a call at (818) 238-2900.
*Payment Deferment will occur in the first 90 days on new and used auto loans. New money only. Interest will accrue over the 90 days. Please call UMe Credit Union in Burbank for more information. Our number is (818) 238-2900.