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UMe Scam Alerts Round-Up

Here at UMe, we’re all about our members, community, and team. We’re real people who really care… about U! We know that scammers are always looking for new ways to trick people out of their money and/or personal information. That’s why we do our very best to make sure you’re up to date on the latest scams so that you can keep yourself and your money as safe and sound as possible.

Here’s a list of recent blog posts we’ve shared that could be useful for U and your loved ones:

  • Text and Phone Call Fraud Alert! Fraud continues to be on the rise — and criminals are getting better at pretending to be financial institutions and tricking people into giving out personal information.
  • Natural Emergency Scams Natural emergencies, like storms or earthquakes, not only bring physical challenges but also open the door to scams targeting vulnerable individuals and charitable hearts.
  • UMe CardNav Can Help Protect U from Fraud With UMe CardNav, you get to set up customizable alerts and controls that fit your lifestyle, keeping your financial safety in your own hands.
  • Protect Your Kids From Identity Theft Keeping your kids safe online in an increasingly digital world is a major task — not just for parents but for the whole community. You can stay on top of any attempted identity theft by staying vigilant and aware.
  • Be Wary of These 4 Common Red Flags Scammers may send you fake emails or text messages, call you on the phone, write letters, or even come to your house (!!) when you’re not expecting them. Here are some scammer red flags to look out for.
  • Caller ID Spoofing Have you ever received a call that just didn’t sit right? Fear not! We’ve got your back with some helpful tips to keep you one step ahead
  • Fake Job Listings With job scams on the rise, we recognize that it’s more important than ever to be aware of this latest scam and how to protect yourself and your family
  • Tax Season Phishing Calls Just as sure as tax season comes around every year, so do the scammers.
  • An Important Security Message From Your UMe Team If you get a suspicious email, text, or call from someone claiming to be from UMe, please don’t engage or reply — simply call our main line directly at (818) 238-2900. We will never ask you for your online banking login info. Don’t share your login info with anyone.
  • Post-Shopping Scams DYK that two common post-shopping scams are fake shipping delays and unexpected purchase confirmations!
  • Even Amazon Prime Day Suffers from Scammers It’s definitely a smart move to check out and take advantage of Prime Day for awesome deals, just remember that cybercriminals also use Prime Day for tricky scams.
  • Facebook Marketplace Scams The Better Business Bureau issued a warning in which a fraudster buyer attempts to purchase an item using Zelle® for payment targeting Marketplace sellers who list items worth several hundred dollars.
  • Safe Online Surfing for Kids Did U know that the FBI has a great Safe Online Surfing (SOS) program that helps teachers and parents educate kids on how to navigate the web safely? There’s even a different section for each child’s level and it’s available in English or en Español!
  • Tampered QR Codes Scams utilizing QR codes are on the rise (so much so that the FBI published an official statement!) – so we’re here to help U be aware and not get tricked!

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Identity thieves and fraudsters do not discriminate!

As always, stay vigilant by keeping informed. Visit our UMe blog for more helpful notices, because U matter to Me (to all of us) at UMe!


Disclaimer: U matter to Me (all of us) at UMe — and that’s why we do our best to deliver helpful information on our blog. Please note the following: (1) UMe Credit Union works hard to make certain that the information we post here is as accurate as humanly possible. But as you know, information can change and evolve quickly. While we try to update the blog on a regular basis, the content of some older posts may not be correct or up-to-date. (2) Some destinations on the World Wide Web that we link you to will exist on external websites. UMe Credit Union does not officially endorse any connected sites, nor do/did we compensate or get compensated by any entities to be featured in our posts (unless otherwise noted). (3) Everyone’s situation is unique and we advise you to consult with our personal bankers or your finance, tax, or legal professional for advice individualized to you!